Intriguing title isn't it? Thats the name of the most recent book by one of my favourite authors, Chetan Bhagat...
Though iv always known that, what you have to face or deal with in life is a direct outcome of ur own actions, after reading this book i realised the gravity to which our decisions can affect our lives... It set me thinking... It made me wonder. What do i consider to be the worst decisions of my life... What are the biggest mistakes of my life???
After a lot of pondering i finally could select 2...
1)My choice of career
2)Lack of presence of mind, which cost a life...
Since the day i stepped into the AISSMS's Institute of Information Technology, my life has taken an ugly detour.... It has taxed me immensely both academically and emotionally... As i may have mentioned about 1000000000 times before, it turned me from a topper to a flopper!!
Secondly, the thought that will haunt me for the rest of my life... "If only i had done things differently, would the outcome have been different?? Would a life have been saved??"
Anyhow, these are pretty much the two thoughts that occur to me EVERYDAY without fail... Infact iv thought this so much now, that i want to stop thinking about it! Im exhausted with this "If only" feeling... Im really fed up!! But then again, we cant always control our thoughts or our emotions right~~