Wednesday, August 13, 2008


For those who dont know---> Skype is a software that allows users to make calls over the internet.....

Though iv had a skype account for a long time iv never really had the chance to use it coz the only one i voice chat online is my brother and he simply refuses to use anything other than gmail or yahoo...

But yesterday sis Edith suddenly suggested using that to communicate (Coz come on! International calls are s*** expensive!!!!! Talk once n then ur credits are over!) And before we knew it sissies Edith, anni and I were conferencing!!!! It was sooooo much fun! I mean the wonders of technology are really commendable!!! We can talk to people miles and miles away from and its ALMOST free!!!!!!!! Simply amazing!

N then there was no stopping me! ;)

Today morning i ended up speaking to my best friend in the US for 90 minutes!!!! It was crazy! It was almost like she was back home in Pune again!!

Now, theres always yahoo or google! WHy do i HAVE to use SKYPE??? Well, the reason is, I think Skype gives u maximum clarity as far as sound reception is concerned! And besides thats something my sissies and i experimented with together and strated using together! So i guess its skype for me!

**Cant believe im actually making a post out of this!!!!!**


♥ Annishi ♥ said...

welcome to the SKY-pe my deary! ^__^ *hugs*